ESyCool green
Helping to fight global warming - Sustainable and fossil free energy solution for refrigeration, store cooling and heating in food retail
- Reduce total energy consumption up to 20% (dependent on system specification and climate zone)
- Reduce CO2 footprint
- Independence of fossil fuels
- Use of natural refrigerant R290
- 90-95% less refrigerant charge due to compact hermetic design
- Use sustainable technologies for store heating and cooling
- Maximum temperature stability and robust operation reliability of the system
- Simplified service and maintenance requirements
- Increase economic benefits by saving energy and service costs
- Comply with regulations and environmental commitments
- Scalable for different store sizes and suitable for existing and new stores

On a European average, more than 70% of food retail energy consumed is electricity, and the majority of that, about 60%, is used to drive the refrigeration equipment in stores. Top priorities in future food retail stores are to use natural refrigerants, to avoid fossil fuels for heating demands, to accelerate own produced renewable solar or wind power and of course to reduce the energy consumption to minimize the CO2 footprint. The goal is to operate zero-emission stores in the future and to lower the overall energy bill for operators.
Green refrigerant instead of fossil fuels
The ESyCool green solution is designed to optimize the food retail store’s energy efficiency of refrigeration, heating and space cooling. ESyCool green is a turnkey solution for retailers, where different energy-using components are combined to minimize energy use. It uses fossil free energy sources and is based on heat pumps with natural refrigerant R290 (Propane).
Scalability for different geographical locations and requirements
The modular energy system can be installed in an existing store, during its renovation or in completely new buildings. Customers can choose between different variations, depending on their requirements, space options and geographical location.
Intergral turnkey projects and life-cycle management
If the corporate strategy is aimed at sustainability and net-zero markets in the long term, the system can be optionally expanded with photovoltaics, electricity or thermal energy storage systems, and charging stations for e-vehicles.
In daily use the retailer can easily monitor their energy consumption, allowing them to make data-driven decisions that drive energy savings and reduce their carbon footprint. The system is optimized for various weather conditions and provides a fully integrated technology which answers to some of the future challenges around the ongoing energy transition.